NAME 338: Ship Design Project and Presentation

3.00 Credit, 6hrs. /wk.

Prereq. NAME 218, NAME 318, NAME 246

[Presentation will be made before teachers and students of the department twice in a term]

Design of a particular ship: principal particulars, lines plan, displacement, general arrangement (GA), freeboard, volume, scantling, power, machinery, endurance, outfit, approximate trim and stability, light weight and deadweight, design update and final design with lines, GA, midship, profile, deck and bottom construction based on Rule Book, shell expansion, hydrostatic curves, trim and cross curves of stability, power, engine selection and propeller design.

Burril's cavitation chart

KT, KQ, Eta diagrams for B-Series Propeller

Review on Powering

Propeller Design Example

Design Example for 3-Bladed Propeller using KT/J**2 diagram (When Propeller Dia and RPM are unknown)

Design Example for 4-Bladed B-Series Propeller (When RPM is unknown)

Guideline for Course # NAME 338